Wednesday, July 3, 2013


If you're invited to a BBQ for the 4th and asked to bring something and you just can't come up with what it should be, I have the answer for you!  This quinoa salad.  It is surprisingly delicious and obviously healthy.  Haven't you heard all the wonderful things about quinoa?  If you haven't, then just trust me, it's good for you.  This recipe is light but not light on flavor plus super easy to make.  Here it is:

1/2 cup quinoa
1/2 cup grape tomatoes
1/2 cup cucumber
1/8 cup red onion
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup parmesan
salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook 1/2 cup quinoa.
2. Refrigerate quinoa until cold.
3. Quarter tomatoes, peel and dice cucumber, & dice onion.
4. Combine quinoa, veggies, lemon juice, parmesan, & salt and pepper.  
5. Bring to your BBQ

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